Who We Are
The practice questions in this section will cover all the major points from the "Who We Are" content provided by Discover Canada. The questions will focus on:
- The historical and cultural formation of Canada by its three founding peoples: Aboriginal, French, and British.
- The diverse composition of Canada's population, including First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities, and their historical contexts and contributions.
- The multicultural and multilingual makeup of modern Canada, with a focus on the major languages spoken and the role of immigration in shaping Canadian society.
- The contributions of various ethnic and religious communities to Canadian culture and identity.
For a comprehensive understanding of these themes, you can access the detailed information on the [Discover Canada - Who We Are page](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/discover-canada/read-online/who-are-canadians.html).